Submit project for NP Impact Workshop
23-25 October 2019, Oslo
Nordisk Panorama, in collaboration with NFI:LAB, is organizing a three-day impact workshop in Oslo where Norwegian producers and directors are introduced to impact production and shape the strategies for the impact and outreach campaign of their documentary project. The format combines presentations by our two impact experts, Ove Rishøj Jensen and Anna J Ljungmark, with hands on work with shaping a concrete strategy for each of the selected documentary projects.
Some documentaries have a unique potential to make a necessary change in the world. The scale of the change can be small or large. The important thing is, that a good film on an important subject based on solid Nordic values of democracy, freedom of speech and expression, equality of the sexes, etc. very often offers a unique quality and human angle to complex political and societal problems. In this workshop you will get the tools to make a strategy for actively using your documentary to create change.
We are now calling for projects to participate in our Norwegian workshop. You can participate with a project in any stage from late development to post-production but it’s important that the film has a clear direction. Deadline for submission is Wednesday 14 August and you will be notified about the selection no later than 6 September. The workshop takes place in Oslo, 23-25 October, 2019.
During the workshop the selected project teams will be introduced to the tools and mechanisms of impact production. This information and knowledge will during the three days lead to outlining a concrete impact and outreach strategy for each of the selected projects. The presentations of these strategies will conclude the workshop on the third day.
Under guidance from our experienced tutors each of the selected documentary teams will work on their impact strategies and determine:
- What is the overall vision and the concrete goals for the impact campaign?
- Which target groups is the campaign aiming at and how do you reach them?
- Which partners are relevant to collaborate with for the different goals?
- How do you pitch your project to a potential partner outside the documentary industry? – What are the differences between a traditional pitch and an impact pitch?
- Which activities and platforms are relevant?
- How do you work realistically with impact strategies within a production/distribution plan and production/distribution budget?
The tutors of the workshop are:
- Anna J Ljungmark, Sweden
- Ove Rishøj Jensen, Denmark
The workshop will be held in Swedish/Danish
The workshop format
During the first day we will provide a general introduction of the tools and mechanisms of impact production. Every project team will be asked to present initial ideas about target groups and impact and outreach considerations.
During the next days the participants will work on the details of identifying potential collaborators, reaching different target groups and creating a detailed plan for their impact campaign. The work will be done in both individual sessions and in plenary work. We will end the workshop with a presentation of the participating projects, the strategies developed during the workshop and what the next steps in their work will be.
The workshop is open to Norwegian documentaries and we encourage teams of directors and producers to participate together, as the workshop is very hands on with developing the projects’ impact strategies.
How to apply
The workshop is open to Norwegian filmmakers and producers with a relevant project.
The deadline for applying with a project is 14 August, 2019. You apply by filling in the online application form with information about the project, the team and a motivation for participating.
Before you begin, please have the following material ready for upload:
- A 3 page pdf containing:
– a description of the project
– a financing plan
– preliminary considerations on impact
– a motivation to participate in the workshop - A still photo representing the project.
- A link to visual material (eg. trailer, clip, rough cut)
Participation Fee
For each selected project, a participation fee of 150€ will apply, covering the participation of two team members.
Travel Support
It is possible for projects/teams located outside of the central east area to apply for travel support from NFI:LAB. Please contact NFI:LAB after you have received confirmation that your project was selected.
For any questions please contact Lea Maria Strandbæk Sørensen by email: or phone: +45 3311 5152
Supported by: Arranged in cooperation with: