Séance and Performance at Turning Torso
In celebration of Nordisk Panorama’s 10th year in Malmö, we welcome you to the iconic Turning Torso, the tallest building in Scandinavia, for a performance that will take you outside our earthly realm. Artists Johan Tingne and Johan Frick invite new initiates to their “Catanic Congregation” to help conjure the gods “Lucifox” and “Mousifer”. The evening’s séance will take the form of an immersive audio-visual experience featuring handmade instruments, masks by visual artist Jasmin Stolle, and, (though Frick and Tingne admit their séance has yet to succeed), possibly the appearance of “Lucifox” and “Mousifer” themselves.
Limited seating. Purchase of tickets required for accredited and non-accredited guests
Come to the event:
Saturday, 23 September,
Turning Torso
Saturday, 23 September,
Turning Torso
Saturday, 23 September,
Turning Torso