Nordic Documentary Producer Award
Meet the Five
Come to the event:
Tuesday, 26 September, 16:00
Scandic Triangeln
What does it mean to be a good documentary producer? Is it the ability to say YES – or is it actually the ability to say no? What kind of mindset, personality and talent does it take to navigate the often contradictory needs of a market and artistic unpredictability ?
The proof is in the pudding as we say – and judging on the quality of the documentaries coming out of the Nordic region, the producers are doing an amazing job!
Come and join us in celebrating the invaluable work done by producers in general – and in particular the 5 nominated for the new producers prize. And let us hear in their own words what it means to them to do this job – the good, the bad and the ugly.
Moderator: Vibeke Bryld
Monica Hellström / Denmark
Timo Korhonen / Finland
Heather Millard / Iceland
KriStine Ann Skaret / Norway
Stina Gardell / Sweden