Doc Forward is a project-driven co-production workshop for emerging Nordic documentary producers and directors, with a focus on new talent directors with ambitions to go international in partnership with both new and more established producers.

The 2-part workshop will provide a network and the knowledge to work professionally within the Nordic documentary sector. The intention is to have great documentaries and doc series being developed at the workshop and secure their first Nordic/international launch. Production companies in the Nordic region, can effectively use the programme to develop new projects and introduce directors and/or producers to the Nordic documentary market and to the Nordic financiers.

The first part of the 2024 workshop will take place in Helsinki at the end of January. The second part will take place 14-16 May in Oslo, concluding with the projects pitching to Nordic film commissioners and commissioning editors from film Institutes and broadcasters, followed by individual meetings.

Doc Forward 2024 includes:
  • 12 Nordic projects of very high quality with international potential
  • 12 director/producer teams
  • 10-12 Nordic commissioning editors present for the 2nd workshop pitching
  • Experienced Nordic tutors with both directing and producing skills
  • Project development for the regional and international market
  • Insights and knowledge about the Nordic and international documentary market
  • Unique networking possibilities with Nordic colleagues
  • Introductions to Nordic film commissioners and commissioning editors

The 2-part structure will allow participants to develop and fine-tune their projects between the workshop sessions. In the time between the first and the second workshop the project teams will stay in contact with the main workshop tutor, who will provide consultation on their project development.

The main tutor of the workshop is Mikael Opstrup.

Participation fee:

We strongly encourage producer & director teams to participate together. The fee for participating in Doc Forward is 1.225 € per person. This includes hotel, 3 daily meals, tutoring and all materials for both the first and second part of the workshop. Transportation is not included in the fee.

For any questions please contact Lea Maria Strandbæk Sørensen,


The Deadline for applying for Doc Forward 2024 is 7 November 2023. Applicants will be notified of acceptance/rejection in December.

How to apply:

The workshop is open to Nordic filmmakers and producers. It should be the director’s first or second longer documentary or documentary series, while the producer can be more experienced. You apply by filling in an online application form with information about the project and the team. Fill in the application here.

Before you begin, please have the following material ready for upload:

  • A 2 page pdf containing:
    – working title
    – a description of the project
    – length, production status, expected release
    – a description of and filmography for the director, producer and production company
  • A still photo representing the project.
  • A link to visual material (eg. trailer, clip etc.)

Funded by: