Nordisk Panorama Market
Sat – Tue 19-22 Sept 2015 / Scandic Triangeln
Welcoming international film festivals, distributors and buyers from all over the world, Nordisk Panorama Market offers a comprehensive overview of the newest independently produced Nordic short and documentary films.
Presenting some 250 titles completed within the past year or being in the pipeline, Nordisk Panorama Market is a unique window to what’s cooking in the Nordic region.
Opening Hours:
19 Sept 09:00-19:00
20 Sept 09:00-19:00
21 Sept 09:00-19:00
22 Sept 09:00-18:00
NPM Work-in-Progress
Giving nearly finished films the final push
Sunday 20 Sept 2015 13:00/ For invited market guests only
During the festival, we are offering TV buyers, sales agents, distributors and festival programmers the chance to preview some of the most exiting upcoming Nordic documentaries, almost ready to make it onto the world stage.
Looking for the final push to be finalized, a sales agent/distributor or festival premiere, they will all present new material at the NPM Work-in-Progress session following up on former Nordisk Forum pitches or pitches at fora around the world.
The 6 selected projects will be presented Sunday 13:00-15:00 followed by one-to-one meetings 15:30-18:00. Open to selected documentary market guests only.
Selected Projects 2015
Man Falling
Danish Documentary (Dir. Anne Regitze Wivel, Prod. Sigrid Helene Dyekjær), Denmark
Ouaga Girls
Momento Film AB (Dir. Theresa Traore Dahlberg, Prod. David Herdies), Sweden
Keep Frozen
Skarkali ehf. (Dir. Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir, Prod. Helga Rakel Rafnsdóttir), Iceland
Learning to Forget
Good Company Pictures (Dir. Kaspar Astrup Schröder, Prod. Katrine A. Sahlstrøm), Denmark
Cheer Up
Napafilms Ltd. (Dir. Christy Garland, Prod. Liisa Juntunen), Finland
The Golden Dawn Case
Faction Film (Dir. Håvard Bustnes, Prod. Christian Falch), Norway
Closed Market Screenings 2015
Introducing brand new films to people who can get them out into the world.
Brand new Nordic shorts and documentaries, yet to premiere internationally, will be screened in programmed slots Saturday through Tuesday during Nordisk Panorama. Curated in cooperation with the Nordic film institutes. Access only for selected market guests.
Selected Films
Daddy’s Girl
Dancing for You
Don Juan
Future Road
Johanna – The Last Battle
Men of Talvivaara Mine
MonaLisa Story – About Love Struggles and Heroin
Motley’s Law
Natural Disorder
Nina’s Children
Shadow of a Hero
The Hotel
The Fight for the Fjords
The Salesmen of Happiness
Glass Ceiling
Hong Kong
Log Head
Love Me More
Merry Christmas
Of Biblical Proportions
Thanks for Dancing
The Nation