Mirjam Wiekenkamp
Publicist / NOISE Film PR
Focus: PR campaigns / Film promotion strategies
Mirjam Wiekenkamp has been working as a publicist in the film industry since 2008. She is one of the founders of NOISE Film PR and handles campaigns at international festivals such as Berlinale, CPH:DOX, Cannes, IDFA, IFFR, Locarno and Venice as well as release in the Netherlands and Germany.
Some of the docs she has recently been working with include ÊXTASE (D: Moara Passoni, CPH:DOX 2020), ALWAYS AMBER (D: Hannah Reinikainen & Lia Hietala, Berlinale 2020), iHUMAN (D: Tonje Hessen Schei, IDFA 2019), I LOVE YOU I MISS YOU I HOPE I SEE YOU BEFORE I DIE (D: Eva Marie Rødbro, IDFA 2019), EXEMPLARY BEHAVIOUR (D: Audrius Mickevičius & Nerijus Milerius, winner of the Golden Dove for Best Documentary at DOK Leipzig 2019), TALKING ABOUT TREES (D: Suhaib Gasmelbari, winner of the Glashütte Original – Documentary Award, Berlinale 2019), EARTH (D: Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Berlinale 2019), SHOOTING THE MAFIA (D: Kim Longinotto, Berlinale 2019), LOS REYES (D: Bettina Perut & Ivan Osnovikoff, winner IDFA Special Jury Award 2018) and THE WALDHEIM WALTZ (D: Ruth Beckermann, winner Glashütte Original – Documentary Award, Berlinale 2018).
To request a meeting with Mirjam Wiekenkamp send an e-mail to forum_assistant@np-test.server01.dk.