NP Forum Expert Advice
with Paul Pauwels
Mon 19 – Tues 20 Sept 14:00-18:00 / Amiralen
Knowing who’s who, what broadcasters and funds are looking for and how to approach them is of the essence for a successful pitch. Budgeting and drafting a realistic financing plan, composing a seducing written proposal, preparing a compelling oral pitch and producing the trailer that will grasp the financiers’ attention are all stepping stones towards making your documentary.
EDN Director and documentary expert Paul Pauwels will analyse your project together with you and offer advice, based on 30 years of experience in the European documentary community.
Paul Pauwels will have a dedicated table reserved for him Monday-Tuesday 14:00-18:00. To sign up for a meeting please put your name and company in the schedule you will find on his table. First come, first served.