New Nordic Voice
The New Nordic Voice competition introduces promising Nordic filmmakers. Their work has not previously been screened in the Nordisk Panorama Film Festival competition programme, and the selected films are among the first releases by the filmmaker.
The cash award of 5.000€ is sponsored by AVEK and Film i Skåne.
Festival programme with screening schedule and tickets are released 26 August. You find more info about tickets here.
Selected Films
Code Name: Nagasaki, (Kodenavn: Nagasaki), Fredrik Sundsteigen Hana, 70′, Norway, 2021.
Dark Blossom, (Klub Kranium), Frigge Fri, 82′, Denmark, 2021.
Fly So Far, (Nuestra libertad), Celina Escher, 89′, Sweden, 2021.
Follow You Home, (Min Bror, Mit Hjem), Kathrine Ravn Kruse, 75′, Denmark, 2021.
Julia & I, (Julia & Jag), Nina Hobert, 80′, Sweden, Denmark, 2020.
Skál, (Skál), Cecilie Debell & Maria Tórgarð, 76′, Denmark, Faroe Islands, 2021.
Solitaire Dance, (Näkymättömät), Antti Lempiäinen, 58′, Finland, 2021.
Young & Afraid, (Nattebarn), Sverre Kvamme & Petter Aaberg, 105′, Norway, Denmark, 2021.
Short Films
A Long Protracted Scene of an Accident, (En Lång Utdragen Olyckshändelse), Lisa Rydberg & Lars Henrik Andersson, 15′, Sweden, 2021.
A Mother’s Body, (En Mammas Kropp), Jonelle Twum, 9′, Sweden, 2021.
All Dogs Die, (Allir Hundar Deyja), Ninna Rún Pálmadóttir, 17′, Iceland, Croatia, USA, 2020.
Easy Panties, (Halpoja tahroja), Marlena Martikainen, 16′, Finland, 2021.
Favorite Daughter, (Yndlingsdatter), Susi Haaning, 8′, Denmark, 2020.
Hijack139, (Hijack139), Joachim Berg & Sondre Johre, 6′, Norway, 2020.
In The Blink Of An Eye, (Uden At Blinke), Katrine Brocks, 23′, Denmark, 2020.
Oracle’s Crown: The Last Band, (Oracle’s Crown: The Last Band), Christofer Nilsson, 13′, Sweden, 2020.
The Next Door, (Neste Dør), Sander Lid Fiskå, 7′, Norway, 2020.
The Pearl, (Perlan), Terji Mohr, 8′, Faroe Islands, 2021.
The Problem of the Hydra, (The Problem of the Hydra), Maija Tammi, 10′, Finland, 2020.
Under Control, (Under Control), Ville Koskinen, 18′, Estonia, 2021.