Festival 2019 in Review
Nordisk Panorama Film Festival has come to an end
The 30th edition of Nordisk Panorama Film Festival gathered over 800 independent filmmakers and decision-makers from all over the world! They all came to Malmö to enjoy six days of films, seminars, sessions, market, forum, meetings, networking – and good Nordic fun. We would like to thank all of our international guests as well as our local audiences for this years magic festival experience! We hope to see you all again in Malmö next year 17-22 September 2020!
A big and heartfelt thanks to the audience and to all participants of this years edition of Nordisk Panorama Film Festival!
The festival took place in Malmö, Sweden 19-24 September and delivered a fully-packed programme of documentaries, shorts, talks, industry event and more!
The Award Winners
On the night of 24 September the award winners of the festival were announced during the Awards Gala at Malmö Old City Hall!
Award Winners of Nordisk Panorama 2019
Read more about the nominated films here:
Young Nordic Children Choice Award
Meet the programmers
Read more about the programming team here.
Nordisk Panorama Forum 2019

More than 330 film professionals from 29 countries attended this year’s 26th edition of Nordisk Panorama Forum! 24 projects pitched to 80 decision-makers while 21 projects were presented in one-to-one meetings. A record number of 660 pre-booked meetings took place over the two afternoons of the forum. We are looking forward to following the projects, seeing the results and hopefully welcoming back the finished films at Nordisk Panorama Film Festival. See the photos here.
Nordisk Panormam Market 2019

Nordisk Panorama Market was bustling with meetings, seminars and industry events. 250 films in the market catalogue with 22 Nordic shorts and docs screened as Closed Market Screenings. The Nordic Short Film Meet-Up presented 9 new short film projects to 37 decision-makers and 81 meetings! Work-in-Progress presented 6 new documentary projects nearing the finish line to more than 60+ industry professionals and our new initiative with Expert Round Tables was a successful new feature at the market. See our photos from market here.
Nordisk Panorama Spotlight på Skåneturné
Nordisk Panorama åkte Skåne runt under oktober och november månad med ett filmprogram efterföljt av ett modererat samtal med filmskaparna. Läs mer här